Workplace Giving

Workplace Giving

Workplace Giving (or Payroll giving) is an easy and tax-effective way for working Australians to make regular donations to support our research, treatment and education programs.

Workplace giving allows staff to donate a portion of their pre-tax earnings, which their company can match to double the impact of their donation. It is an effective, efficient and ethical way for businesses and their employees to support our mission and vision.

By contributing to Ear Science Institute Australia through workplace giving, you’ll be helping people with ear and hearing disorders, now and for generations to come.

The simplest way to begin is to ask your place of work if they have a workplace giving program in place. If they do, they can set you up to begin donating to Ear Science Institute Australia on a regualr basis.

If they don’t have a program in place, you can discuss setting up a program with them. Modern payroll systems have the ability to facilitate a workplace giving program.  We suggest looking into Good2Give.

If you would like to discuss workplace giving further, please contact us. To read more about workplace giving, visit ATO.

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