Preventing & curing hearing loss | What do you think?

Researchers at Ear Science Institute Australia, Curtin University and UWA are investigating new treatments for hearing loss

CSIRO ON Prime Ear Science Institute Australia's Dedicated Research Team Investigates Improvements in Hearing Implants

Front row: Joey Lye, Dr Elaine Wong
Back row: Sharon Redmond & Varda Sardesai

1 in 6 Australians live with hearing loss, and we are investigating your experience living with hearing loss or supporting someone with hearing loss to better understand your needs.

Supported by the CSIRO On Prime program, we invite you to participate in this research project and participate in a 15-minute phone or video interview with the research team.

You will be asked a series of questions related to your life with hearing loss or how you support a person living with hearing loss.

Join us in finding new treatments for today.

CSIRO ON Prime program @ Ear Science

Dr Elaine Wong leads the research project team, working alongside Laboratory Manager Sharon Redmond, Research Assistants Varda Sardesai and Joey Lye.

The project is funded by CSIRO On Prime to facilitate our Research & Development lab-based team to engage with the community and further their innovative research to tackle a significant health issue for our community.

No prior knowledge or experience is required to participate.  If you would like to be involved, please complete the form below, and the research team will be in touch with more information and to book a short 15-minute phone or video interview to suit your availability over the next 3 weeks (up to 20th December 2022).

This research is part of the CSIRO ON Prime program, conducted at Ear Science Institute Australia and collaborating with Curtin University & UWA.

Register your interest in participating with this project

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Curing hearing loss

Using iPS cells for generating inner ear organoids as a platform for drug testing and hair cell restoration.

Gene-based therapeutics research aims to explore two main lines of research enquiries.

The first is the applications of genes in hair cell regeneration to treat hearing impairment. The second is utilising stem cells to generate patient-specific hair cells and recover the hearing loss.

The research includes the newly developed patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cell and inner ear organoid model that will allow the exploration of many aspects of inner ear cell biology and cell engineering in the search for a cure for hearing loss.

Lead Researcher | Elaine Wong
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