The Science of Healthy Hearing Podcast

When will we have a cure for hearing loss?

In this episode, Founding Director of Ear Science Institute Australia, Professor Atlas will unpack the latest research in curing hearing loss and what the future might hold

But how long do we wait for a cure? 

In this episode, you will learn

2.00 | Why is hearing so important, why is hearing loss such a big problem in our community?

2.13 | What has Ear Science been doing to help with hearing loss?

3.05 | What is the prevalence of hearing loss, who does it affect and how has this changed over time?

5.35 | What is the connection between hearing loss and dementia and how can we delay/prevent dementia onset? 

6.40 | How has treating hearing loss for a surgeon changed over time?

8.24 | Is age a barrier when it comes to hearing implants?

10.50 | Are we ever going to cure hearing loss? 

11.15 | Why did Marcus become a surgeon-scientist?

12.03 | How is Ear Science adapting stem cells to become Organoids to grow an inner ear (Cochlea)?

13.30 | How are organoids helping us understand and develop experiments, medications, treatments, & genetics, to help prevent or cure hearing loss? .

16.20 | How is Ear Science’s research funded?

17.57 | How are Ear Science’s researchers working to treat and prevent middle ear infections. How would this help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities who experience higher rates of middle ear disease compared to non-ATSI people? 

23.00 | Is there a cure and should I wait?

24.55 | How can the community get involved in finding a cure for hearing loss?

26.10 | Key take-aways


Resources mentioned

“1 in 6 Australians experience Hearing Loss, 1 in 4 over the age of 65” | Hearing Care Industry Association. Hearing for life: The value of hearing services for vulnerable Australians Deloitte Access Economics, Canberra, Australia. 2020.

Dona Jayakody’s HearCog Trial – Can we reduce cognitive decline by treating hearing loss with hearing aids?

Professor Graeme Clark

“90% of people who need a Cochlear Implant don’t have one”  | Looi V, Bluett C, Boisvert I. Referral rates of postlingually deafened adult hearing aid users for a cochlear implant candidacy assessment. International Journal of Audiology. 56:919-925; 2017.

Ear Science Researcher Dr Elaine Wong

Ear Science Institute Australia Organoid Research

Ear Science Researcher Dr Hani Al Salami

National Health & Medical Research Council


Ear Science Ambassador Justin Langer

Ear Science’s Gift of Hearing Appeal

About Professor Marcus Atlas

More information on finding a cure for hearing loss

Signs of hearing loss

Live with Ear Science Panel

Hearing Therapeutics

Australian Usher Gene Therapy Coalition

Regenerative stem cell research underway

WHO World Report on Hearing March 2021

Closing the Gap Report

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