In this episode, Dr Tommy Lai will discuss the GP’s role in caring for your hearing health. We highlight how GPs, Audiologists and ENTs work together to care for your ear and hearing health and help you understand who to go to for help with your hearing.
In this episode, you will learn
A GP’s perspective on hearing loss
Signs of hearing loss and what your GP should be looking out for
The role of GPs in the hearing care of their patients
How GPs work together with patients, audiologists and ENTs to holistically care for their patients
Why some types of hearing loss are a medical emergency
Dr Tommy Lai, General Practitioner and Director of MedOne
Dr Tommy Lai is a General Practitioner and the Director of MedOne Medical Centre. He graduated from Monash University in 2013. Before general practice, Dr Tommy worked at several hospitals across WA. He spent 12 months in Kalamunda Hospice and obtained Clinical Diploma in Palliative Care. He is interested in all aspects of patient care, particularly caring for the elderly and chronic diseases.
Episode Resources
“1 in 6 Australians have hearing loss” Hearing Care Industry Association (HCIA), Hearing for Life – The value of hearing services for vulnerable Australians, Report prepared with assistance from Deloitte Access Economics, Canberra; 2020.
Bennett RJ, Barr CM, Conway N, Fletcher S, Rhee J, Vitkovic J. Promoting hearing loss support in general practice: a qualitative concept-mapping study. Public Health Res Pract. 2021;31(5):e3152131.
Season 2 | Hearing and your health with Rob Eikelboom