The Science of Healthy Hearing
In this episode, Dr Shelly Chadha, Technical Lead for Ear and Hearing Health at the World Health Organization (WHO), highlights the crisis in hearing health that the world is facing and what the WHO in their 2023 campaign “Hearing Care for All, Let’s Make it a Reality” is doing to helping address the crisis.
In this episode, you will learn
The global, regional and local status of ear health, inequities in access to hearing health care for developing and developed countries.
How Ear Science and WHO are working to address the global crisis in hearing health
Dr Shelly Chadha, Technical Lead for Ear and Hearing Health at WHO
Dr Shelly Chadha is responsible for WHOs work on the prevention of deafness and hearing loss including advocacy for the prioritisation of hearing care; technical support to countries for the development of hearing care strategies and relevant tools.