Adj Assoc Sandra Bellekom
B.Psych., Dip.Aud., M.Aud.S.A.(CCP)
Chief Executive Officer
Board Member, Ear Science Institute Australia & Lions Hearing Foundation
Adjunct Associate Professor Curtin Medical School, Curtin University
Adjunct Associate Professor Centre for Ear Science, The University of Western Australia
Director of World Health Organization CC for Ear & Hearing Care
100% committed to excellence in hearing health care and research
Sandra Bellekom is the Chief Executive Officer of Ear Science Institute Australia. She has dedicated the past two decades to helping people worldwide enjoy better hearing.
Her career began as an audiologist in Queensland, and she gained significant experience via audiological positions throughout Australia before expanding her work portfolio to include managerial and business development appointments within Australia, Singapore and the United States of America.
This mix of strong business acumen and extensive experience in clinical service and patient-centred care, has provided Sandra with a unique ability to view all facets of a hearing organisation, from the overarching organisation view through to the critical frontline of patient care. Sandra has acquired a skill set and passion to enable her to contribute to improving hearing health locally, remotely, nationally and internationally in both the public and private sectors.
Sandra is committed to the growth of an evidence-based approach for those with hearing loss by utilising advances in technology to drive translational and clinically relevant research. This will serve the growing need in ear and hearing services both locally and beyond. She strives to use these rapidly advancing areas to assist in her primary goal of reducing the period that most patients take to seek help for their hearing loss; this is presently a staggering seven years.
Sandra is the former President of the WA Chapter of Audiology Society of Australia; a current Adjunct Research Fellow at the Ear Sciences Centre, School of Medicine UWA; Management Committee Member of WA Health Translation Network; Lions Hearing Foundation Professional Board Member; a Lions Australia Member with South Perth Lions Club, part of Accelerate Australia Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals WA node; Founding member of the Hearing Health Sector Alliance and Management Committee Member of Ralph and Patricia Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute.
Top publications
Tao KFM, Brennan-Jones CG, Jayakody DMP, Swanepoel DW, Fava G, Bellekom SR, Eikelboom RH. Validation of teleaudiology hearing aid rehabilitation services for adults: a systematic review of outcome measurement tools. Disability and Rehabilitation. 44(16):4161-4178; 2022. 10.1080/09638288.2021.1900928 https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2021.1900928
Bennett RJ, Barr C, Cortis A, Eikelboom RH, Ferguson M, Gerace D, Heffernan E, Hickson L, van Leeuwen L, Montano J, Preminger J, Pronk M, Saunders G, Singh G, Weinstein B, Timmer B, Bellekom S. Audiological approaches to address the psychosocial needs of adults with hearing loss: Perceived benefit and likelihood of use. International Journal of Audiology. 60(sup2):12-19; 2021. 10.1080/14992027.2020.1839680
Mertens G, Hofkens A, Van de Heyning P, Van Rompaey V, Boudewyns A, Fernanda Di Gregorio N, Eikelboom R, Marino M, Kurz A, Kühn H, Shehata-Dieler W, Lorens A, Pulibalathingal S, Rajeswaran R, Tavora-Vieira D, Bellekom S, Topsakal V. Minimal outcome measurements in paediatric cochlear implant users: a Consensus Paper. B-ENT. Accepted for publication. 17(2):110-120; 2021. 10.5152/B-ENT.2021.20195
Bennett RJ, Barr C, Cortis A, Eikelboom RH, Ferguson M, Gerace D, Heffernan E, Hickson L, van Leeuwen L, Montano J, Preminger J, Pronk M, Saunders G, Singh G, Weinstein B, Timmer B, Bellekom SR. Identifying the clinical approaches used by audiologists to address the psychosocial needs of their adult clients. International Journal of Audiology. 60(2):104-114; 2020. https://doi.org/10.1080/14992027.2020.1817995
Hanley P, Davis PB, Paki B, Quinn SA, Bellekom SR. Treatment of Tinnitus with a Customized, Dynamic Acoustic Neural Stimulus: Clinical Outcomes in General Private Practice. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology. 117(11):791-799;2008. https://doi.org/10.1177/000348940811701101