Bec Bennett
BSc (hons), MAud (CCP), MBus, Grad Dip Couns, PhD
Raine/Cockell Postdoctoral Researcher
I have always loved the people side of audiology. Working with people; hearing their stories; helping them to find solutions that address their individual needs.
Dr Bec Bennett’s research focuses on the experience of hearing loss, including how hearing loss can affect us socially, emotionally and psychologically. She is working towards a future where audiologists see the client in their whole experience and provide a suite of intervention options that address not only the hearing loss, but also the social, emotional and psychological impacts of hearing loss.
Dr Bec Bennett is a clinical and research audiologist. Her areas of interest include adult audiological rehabilitation, the social and emotional impacts of hearing loss, older adults, tele-audiology, and service delivery. Dr Bennett is passionate about partnering with consumers and the community in research planning, execution and translation. She frequently uses mixed methods research, including concept mapping, focus groups, and self-report survey approaches to data collection. Dr Bennett works closely with industry partners to ensure that her research has a clear and measurable translational pathway to directly benefit consumers and the community.
Dr Bennett’s PhD work (awarded by The University of Western Australia, October 2018) developed and translated clinical tools to enhance audiological clinical practices. These clinical tools are now being used by audiologists around the world, benefitting thousands of hearing aid recipients each year. Her current postdoctoral research focuses on interventions that address the social and emotional impacts of hearing loss within audiology services.
Dr Bennett is a Director of the board for Audiology Australia (peak national body for audiologists), and has developed strong relationships with experts and influential leaders in the international audiology community. She Chairs the Audiology Australia University Accreditation and Competencies Committee (since 2016), Chairs the Tele audiology Clinical Standards Development group (since 2021), and currently serves on five additional committees/working groups.
Areas of research
- Hearing loss & dementia
- Ageing
- Hearing rehabilitation
- Hearing & mental health
Selected publications
Bennett, R. J., Laplante-Lévesque, A., Meyer, C. J., & Eikelboom, R. H. (2018). Exploring hearing aid problems: Perspectives of hearing aid owners and clinicians. Ear and hearing, 39(1), 172-187.
Bennett, R. J., Jayakody, D. M., Eikelboom, R. H., Taljaard, D. S., & Atlas, M. D. (2016). A prospective study evaluating cochlear implant management skills: Development and validation of the Cochlear Implant Management Skills survey. Clinical Otolaryngology, 41(1), 51-58.
Bennett, R. J., Meyer, C. J., Eikelboom, R. H., & Atlas, M. D. (2018). Evaluating hearing aid management: development of the hearing aid skills and knowledge inventory (HASKI). American journal of audiology, 27(3), 333-348.
Bennett, R. J., Meyer, C. J., Ryan, B., Barr, C., Laird, E., & Eikelboom, R. H. (2020). Knowledge, beliefs, and practices of Australian audiologists in addressing the mental health needs of adults with hearing loss. American journal of audiology, 29(2), 129-142.
Bennett, R. J., Barr, C., Cortis, A., Eikelboom, R. H., Ferguson, M., Gerace, D., … & Bellekom, S. (2020). Audiological approaches to address the psychosocial needs of adults with hearing loss: perceived benefit and likelihood of use. International Journal of Audiology, 1-8.