Dr Phillip Chang

Dr Phillip Chang

Specialty of Otolarynology, Head and Neck Surgery

Dr Phillip Chang specialises in ear surgery in children and adults with particular training and interest in tympanomastoid surgery, cochlear implants and acoustic neuroma surgery.

Following his ENT training in Sydney, Dr Chang completed a series of fellowships with Ugo Fisch in Zurich, David Moffatt in Cambridge and The House Ear Clinic in Los Angeles.

Currently Dr Chang operates at St Vincent’s Private Hospital, Sydney Children’s Hospital, Prince of Wales Private Hospital, Norwest Hospital and St Luke’s. In addition Dr Chang serves as the clinical director for a paediatric cochlear implant programme (The Shepherd Centre) and an adult programme (Hearing Implants Australia).

Dr Chang invites interested surgeons from around the world to apply for an annual clinical fellowship where they are exposed to a high volume and high end ear, hearing implant and acoustic neuroma surgery.

Book an assessment

    Please note a referral is not required. This information helps to prepare for your appointment.
    Ear wax appointments, available at Subiaco, Gwelup, Winthrop, Midland, Mt Lawley, Palmyra and Neutral Bay, Bondi Junction and Chatswood clinics.
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