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Music lover Jim reclaims sound
“Ten thousand people, maybe more. People talking without speaking, people hearing without listening, people writing songs that voices never share.” – The Sound of Silence Most people love music, but…
Conquering the Waves
Led by Ear Science Director, surgeon-scientist Professor Marcus Atlas, the Gift of Hearing Appeal swim team took part in the annual Rottnest Channel Swim to raise much-needed funds. Kicking off…
Turning Research into Clinical Practice
In 2018, our Clinical Research team published 41 papers in international; peer-review journals. The research covered a wide range of topics with a focus on translating findings into clinical practice…
A special delivery to Indonesia
Remember Keenan’s story from last month? Since embarking on the journey to get help for Keenan, his mum Herning has started a community support group for parents of children with…
Helping Keenan hear again
Keenan lives with his parents and 2-year-old brother in the bustling Indonesian capital, Jakarta. He is among a growing number of children in the Western Pacific region to receive donated…
Winter School Program comes to an end
Ear Science researchers from the Basic Research team hosted two students for The University of Western Australia’s annual Winter School Program. Established in 2010, the Winter School Program aims to…
Ear Science’s global outlook
The Clinical Research team has a visiting Doctoral student in the team for nine months; meet Hatice Akçakaya. Hatice is from the Ankara University Institute of Educational Sciences in Turkey,…
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