Vertigo, Balance & Dizziness

Vertigo Causes and Treatments

Several body systems interact together to keep the body in balance. As such, dizziness and nausea that arise from vertigo can result from several conditions or factors.

These conditions can be described in many ways. Some report a particular feeling, like spinning and dizzy spells, cart-wheeling, tilting, faintness, light-headedness and floating sensations. While others report visual disturbances, nausea or sensitivity to particular movements.

The Dizziness and Nausea Vertigo Causes Can Have Major Effects on Quality of Life

The Ear Science Implant Clinic’s qualified team provide premium balance-related diagnostics, as well as vertigo treatment and management options. We use specialised equipment to conduct balance tests, looking at the vestibular system (in the ear) and responses from the eyes, the muscles, and the central nervous system, which make up the wider balance system.

How to test your balance

The human balance system is very complex, composed of interacting systems in our ears, our eyes and our muscles.

You may experience dizziness and nausea and require vertigo treatment when one of these controlling systems is out of sync with the sensory information provided by the rest of your body. For example, one of the ears, eyes or muscles systems might not be functioning correctly, otherwise, the brain may not be processing the sensory input correctly.

We Offer Comprehensive Testing Services To Assess Each Individual’s Balance Functions And Capacity in Western Australia at our Subiaco clinic.

Various assessments can be undertaken to assess issues with balance, dizzy spells, nausea, or a patient’s vertigo causes. Your audiologist will clearly explain them to you before starting. Our standard tests include:

Dizziness and nausea caused by vertigo can have a profound effect on your quality of life – but you shouldn’t have to put up with it. Ear Science Implant Clinic’s dedicated team of balance audiologists will work with you to determine your specific vertigo causes and follow what the most effective vertigo treatment options are.

Talk to your GP

Our treatment of dizziness, nausea and generalised vertigo treatment often requires the expertise of trained specialists across different medical disciplines. So we can best cater to your needs, please ensure you get a referral from your doctor or medical professional and book your appointment.

More information

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

What is Ménière’s Disease?

Vestibular Migraines

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