What is WorkCover testing?
Who is entitled to WorkCover Testing?
Workers employed in a prescribed workplace for the first time must have an initial baseline audiometric hearing test within twelve months of commencing employment. The employer must arrange payment for the audiometric test (regardless of worn hearing protection).
A prescribed workplace is a workplace or part of a workplace where workers receive or are likely to receive a representative daily noise dose of 90dB(A) or above in an eight-hour day.
A workplace is also considered a prescribed workplace if noise exposure peaks at 140dB(lin).
This is approximately equal to the peak noise level from a blast or siren being sounded close to the worker.
Who performs my WorkCover Hearing Test?
A WorkCover certified clinician completes WorkCover testing in a WorkCover approved booth. A WorkCover WA registered audiometric officer or audiologist conducts these assessments utilising approved protocols and assessment equipment.
Further information is provided on the WorkCover WA Website.
Types of WorkCover Assessments
- Baseline Assessment – 30-minute appointment
- Full Assessment – 60-minute appointment
Before your WorkCover assessment
A ‘form 10’ and a ‘form 18’ need to be provided to the clinic prior to your appointment.
Prior to testing, you must have 16 hours of quiet before a workplace or WorkCover hearing test is performed.

Do you have hearing loss?
Call our Tinnitus & Hearing Advice Line

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Listening to loud sounds damages sensory cells in your ears and can cause noise-induced hearing loss. This is typically the result of prolonged exposure to loud sounds, such as working in a noisy environment.
Noise-induced hearing loss is permanent; however, people with hearing loss can benefit from hearing devices and rehabilitation services.
Protect your hearing with customised solutions
It is important to use hearing protection if you are exposed to noise, but the type of earplugs you need depends on the noise you are exposed to.

Experience Relief When Ears Ring - With Lyric
The Lyric is a unique hearing device. It provides 24/7 consistent amplification, which is proven to provide relief when your ears ring faster and improve sleep quality by a greater degree than when compared to daily wear hearing aids.