Funding for adult hearing services

Hearing Services Voucher Scheme

Pensioners and Veteran gold and white card (for hearing) holders are eligible for fully subsidised hearing assessments and service appointments and are eligible for either fully or partially subsidised hearing aids and other products.
Please have your Pension/Veteran card on hand when booking.
**No subsidy for Health Care Cards

Chronic Disease Management (CDM)

Medicare rebates are available for Chronic (or Terminal) conditions and complex care needs.
A chronic medical condition is one that has been or is likely to be present for at least six months, and determined by the GP to be eligible for the CDM. A patient is considered to have complex needs if they require care from a multidisciplinary team consisting of a GP and at least two other health providers providing different services.
One referral form for each allied health service is required. Maximum of 5 allied health services can be claimed under Medicare.  GP to complete the Lions Hearing Clinic referral form and the ‘referral form for chronic disease allied health (individual) services under Medicare’ for patients to receive the Medicare rebate.
Medicare item: 10952, rebate $52.95
Adult hearing assessment cost: $100 (rebate obtainable from Medicare directly)

Diagnostics Audiological Services

Medicare rebates are available for patient’s referred for a Hearing assessment by ENT and or Neurologist.  ENT or Neurologist to complete the Lions Hearing Clinic referral form highlighting required services for patients to receive the Medicare rebate. Revaluation requires separate referal.
Medicare Item: 82315, Rebate $33.45
Adult hearing assessment cost: $100 (rebate obtainable from Medicare directly)

Private Health Insurance

Patients to contact their private health provider to enquire about rebates for services and devices.

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