Ear Science Education

Hearing Implants Series 2021/2022

Welcome to Ear Science Education: Hearing Implant Series 2021/2022

Join us for our Education Series on Hearing Implants designed to support clinicians in maintaining clinical excellence and optimised hearing care for all clients.  This series will cover the cochlear implant journey with a focus on complex referrals and bimodal management.

Hearing Implant Series 2021/2022 is designed for the practical application of learning outcomes. You’ll develop your knowledge of cochlear implant candidacy criteria, referral pathways and clinical outcomes, giving you increased confidence to discuss hearing device options with your clients and complete complex referrals.  With a focus on bimodal management, you will further your clinical knowledge of programming options for bimodal recipients to maximise hearing outcomes.

Education Series Structure and Support

Gain exclusive access to ongoing education from now until June 2022 with an in-person workshop & bimonthly research updates.  This Ear Science Education Series has been designed for the busy clinician, offering a unique and flexible way to access CPD points.  

The Hearing Implant Series 2021/2022 includes:

  • Online workshop from 6:30 to 8:00pm Thursday 26th May 2022; and
  • Bi-monthly ‘Translating the Science’ research updates available online, offering you the flexibility to complete this in your own time around work and other commitments.
Facilitated by our highly experienced team of implant audiologists, this Education Series enables you to benefit from peer learning and professional networking. As a participant in this Education Series, you will have access to ongoing support from our team to answer any candidacy or complex client questions.
Activity Endorsement
Audiology Australia
  • Workshop | 1.5 non-endorsed points
  • Translating the Science | 1 non-endorsed point per session.
Australian College of Audiology
  • Workshop | CEP Endorsement
    3 points | Approval Number 202155
  • Translating the Science Session 1 | Dr Bec Bennett: The Social and Emotional Impacts of Hearing Loss.
    2 points | Approval Number 202162
  • Translating The Science Session 2 | Dr Cathy Sucher: A multi-center analysis of factors associated with the hearing outcome for 2735 adults with Cochlear Implants.
  • 1 Point | Approval Number 2022103

Guiding your clients through the journey: From saying ‘yes’, to rehabilitation and bimodal management

In this workshop, we will discuss a pragmatic approach to the underlying factors impacting decision making when considering cochlear implants and the importance of shared care in optimising outcomes for bimodal clients.  

This is an interactive workshop, participants will be involved in case discussions and be mentored by experienced implant audiologist facilitators.


Thursday 26th May 2022

  • 6:30pm | Welcome & Introduction 
  • 6:35pm | Factors influencing decision making for cochlear implant candidates and the importance of shared care for bimodal clients (Presentation)
  • 7:10pm | Bimodal management: Your questions answered (Panel discussion with audience involvement)
  • 7:30pm | Case Study 1 & 2 (Facilitated group discussion) 
  • 8:00pm | Finish
  • Dr Cathy Sucher | Senior Implant Audiologist and CI Research Lead, Ear Science Implant Clinic
  • Ronel Chester-Browne | Clinical Coordinator, Senior Implant Audiologist, Ear Science Implant Clinic
  • Steffanie Cohen | Implant Audiologist, Ear Science Implant Clinic 
Learning Outcomes
  • Confidently discuss the cochlear implant journey  
  • Identify and apply knowledge of candidate and medical considerations associated with cochlear implantation.  
  • Apply clinical knowledge relating to the programming options for bimodal clients to maximise hearing outcomes 
Workshop Presenters & Panel Experts

Dr Cathy Sucher, Senior Implant Audiologist and CI Research Lead, Ear Science Implant Clinic

Dr Cathy Sucher currently works as a CI Research Lead and Senior Implant Audiologist at the Ear Science Institute Australia, and is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia. She has over 20 years of international and national experience working in paediatric and adult rehabilitative audiology with both hearing aid and hearing implant experience and audiology-related research.  

Cathy is passionate about combining her clinical experience with innovative translational clinical research at the Ear Science Institute Australia with the aim to improve the hearing outcomes and quality of life of people with hearing impairment. 

Ronel Chester-Browne, Clinical Coordinator, Senior Implant Audiologist, Ear Science Implant Clinic

Ronel has been involved in Cochlear Implantation for the last 28 years. Ronel has been working at the Ear Science Institute, Ear Science Implant Clinic, as Clinical Coordination and Senior Implant Audiologist for the last 11 years.  

She became a member of the Pretoria Cochlear Implant Program in South Africa in 1993. Her experience includes complex audiological assessments, implant candidacy assessments, device activation and management, programming and rehabilitation of cochlear implant devices.  

She is very involved in education and training of university students and other professionals in the field of implantable hearing devices and has been involved in several research projects. 

Steffanie Cohen, Implant Audiologist, Ear Science Implant Clinic

Steffanie holds Speech Pathology and Audiology qualifications from Curtin University and the University of Western Australia.  Since joining Ear Science Institute Australian in 2014, Steffanie has extensive experience in adult rehabilitation ranging from Lyric, hearing aids and cochlear implants. Given her experience and increasing number of bimodal clients, Steffanie is uniquely positioned in her understanding of the considerations and challenges associated with management of bimodal clients.  Steffanie is committed to client centered care and is passionate in helping clients reconnect to the world of sound through her own experience with family and hearing loss.

Online & On-Demand: Translating the Science

Our Translating the Science research updates will be available bi-monthly for you to access on-demand.

Once uploaded, these research updates will be available for the duration of the Education Series allowing easy and flexible access to the latest research in hearing care. 

These updates provide an opportunity for you to ask questions from some of Western Australia’s most influential researches about the journal articles they have published. With this knowledge, you will have the confidence to apply these learnings to your clinical practice.  

These sessions provide a source of non-endorsed CPD points.

Ear Science
Implant Program

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