A world-class education and training facility, Ear Science is committed to excellence in education, surgical, medical and allied health training.
Through the activity of our research and clinical service teams, Ear Science Institute Australia has accumulated important insights into new and developing methodologies and best practice tactics for hearing health.
Our mission highlights the importance of education in helping people with ear and hearing disorders. We do this by offering educational opportunities to healthcare personnel, including physicians, general practitioners, audiologists and allied health professionals.
If you would like to learn more about how Ear Science Institute Australia can work with you to develop a unique, impactful courses and conferences please contact us.

Audiologist & Audiometrist Professional Development
The Education team at Ear Science Institute Australia plan and deliver educational and community events covering a wide range of topics and audiences.
From an Audiological Conference for 100+ researchers and clinicians, to customised education sessions for GPs or other community groups, our team has the resources, knowledge and experience to bring an event to life.
Surgical Courses
Working in conjunction with peak bodies and professional associations, to provide real-life surgical procedural training in a clinical context, Ear Science is spring-boarding the growth and development of tomorrow’s medical leaders.
We run customised surgical training courses at our dedicated Education Surgical laboratory in Subiaco. Combining the latest in research, simulation, hands-on practice with cadaveric tissue and some of the most experienced and inspiring facilitators, experts in their field to deliver a world-class learning experience.

University Training
Ear Science Institute Australia runs dedicated Ear and Hearing Education Days for University Medical Students from around Perth and beyond with the option of online education delivered with confidence and convenience to students or hands-on, practical workshops.
Our facilitators include Audiologists, ENT Consultants, Vestibular Physiotherapists, ENT Registrars and others who share their knowledge and insights which students will take with them through their career regardless of the path or specialty they pursue.