
Head of Department

Rob Eikelboom
Rob EikelboomBE (WAIT), MApplSc (Curtin), PhD (UWA) Research Manager | Corporate Adjunct Professor, University of Western Australia Adjunct Professor, Curtin University Adjunct Professor, University of Pretoria BRAIN AND HEARING My…
Elaine Wong
Elaine WongBSc, MPhil, PhD Head of Hearing Therapeutics Principal Research Fellow and Lead Investigator | Stem Cell and Inner Ear Gene Therapy Adjunct Associate Professor, Curtin University Adjunct Associate Professor,…
Dona Jayakody
Dona JayakodyBSc (Aud & SLP), MSc (Aud & SLP), PhD, AFAIM Head of Brain & Hearing Research Lead | Cognition and Hearing Loss BRAIN AND HEARING I’m leading a research…
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