Ambassador | Justin Langer

Justin's Hearing Journey

One of Australia’s greatest ever cricket players and former Australian Cricket Coach, Justin Langer, will be going ‘all out’ in 2021, lending his public profile to WA’s Ear Science Institute Australia as our new Ambassador.

50-year-old Langer said he was looking forward to working with Ear Science, given his own personal experiences with hearing issues. His main objective will be to encourage everyone to get their hearing checked and to strive for early intervention when it comes to hearing related issues, similar to his own.

Take the Healthy Hearing Pledge!

This World Hearing Day join our Ambassador Justin Langer in taking the pledge to be a Healthy Hearing Champion.

A Healthy Hearing Champion is an individual who shares their hearing journey in all sorts of ways with their family, friends, and their community.

Commit to supporting the latest ear and hearing research and pushing for quality hearing care for all – making hearing a priority!

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