
Hearing session success at GP Conference

Last weekend, we presented and exhibited at the annual GPCE (General Practitioner Conference & Exhibition), held at the Perth Conference Centre.

In a session titled ‘The Role of the GP in Managing Hearing Loss’, Audiologist Jordan Bishop gave an impressive presentation to an audience of around 200 Western Australian GPs. Implant Clinic Manager & Senior Implant Audiologist Ronel Chester-Browne covered the cochlear implant journey in detail, as part of the presentation, and Implant Client Support Officer Jody French was on hand to provide the cochlear implant recipient perspective, as well as offer her support expertise.

The session was a resounding success, with a highly engaged audience taking full advantage of the Q&A section, asking questions on everything from treatment costs to seeking advice for specific patients.

The conference presentation was such a hit that the presenters stayed well past the end of the session to field numerous additional questions.

We also exhibited over the two-day event, with Head of Implant Innovation Dr Christo Bester, and Audiologists Florentia Susilo and Samantha Pan providing hearing expertise to the high volume of delegates.

Congratulations to everyone involved in this super successful event!


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