
Changing how we manage children living with tinnitus

Susan Tegg-Quinn

Understanding of paediatric tinnitus

This week Susan received the fantastic news from UWA that she has been awarded her doctorate (PhD) and is now officially Dr Susan Tegg-Quinn.

Susan’s PhD focused on developing a deep understanding of paediatric tinnitus to develop better ways to manage children with hearing loss.

“My research discovered that children use an entirely different language than adults to describe their tinnitus experience and that it affects many aspects of their lives,” said Susan.

Susan was concerned that there were no tools available for clinicians to evaluate childhood tinnitus. In her PhD studies, she showed that this was in-fact the case and that most studies of childhood tinnitus reported using tools made for adults without much consideration of whether this is clinically best practice.

She started her PhD in 2016 and published an influential paper on the effect of tinnitus on cognition. It has been cited in 56 other publications to date. Her PhD supervisors were Dr Helmy Mulders at UWA, Dr Bec Bennett and Dr Rob Eikelboom at Ear Science, and Dr Chris Brennan-Jones at TKI. The late Prof David Baguley from Nottingham UK and Syndon Barabash, a psychologist in Melbourne, also provided valuable input.

The work of her PhD has been published in four papers.

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