
I feel like I got my life back

"Being a 'deaf' granny was devastating for me"

Ros is a very social and active person who loves travelling, socialising with friends and spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren. Ros began to experience hearing loss ten years ago in 2007. Slowly over time, her hearing deteriorated, and in 2016, she noticed a significant decline in her hearing.

She missed out on social activities and couldn’t live the active lifestyle she was used to.

The loss of my sense of place and value in life resulted in me isolating myself, losing confidence and becoming very anxious. Not being able to keep up in conversations with friends and family, particularly my ageing parents and grandchildren, was devastating.

Ros attended Ear Science Implant Clinic for an assessment and got her first cochlear implant in 2017. After doing exceptionally well following her first cochlear implant, Ros couldn’t wait to get the other ear implanted, which occurred two years later.

After her cochlear implants, Ros was amazed at how well she could hear her family and said she felt she had been given a new life.

I love socialising and I am so thankful for the wonderful times I can now share with my grandchildren. We never stop talking and laughing”

Cochlear implant

frequently asked questions

Your hearing won’t heal itself, but we can help.
Could a cochlear implant be right for you?

Hearing aids help many people, but as your hearing loss progresses a hearing implant may give you the clarity and volume you need to understand speech again.

Hearing implants are life-changing devices that can help you hear sounds you no longer hear with your hearing aids, restoring your confidence and connecting you to loved ones.

Ear Science Implant Clinic is proudly Western Australia’s largest private hearing implant program.

Translating the latest research into surgical and clinical care with a comprehensive medical team including Ear Surgeons, qualified Hearing Implant Audiologists, and other specialists all dedicated to restoring your confidence, with appointments and surgery times to suit you.

Trust your hearing to the experts. Contact us and speak to people who have hearing implants.

Hearing Implant Assessment Form

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