
AAMRI showcases Australia’s Medical Research Discoveries

Showcasing breakthroughs from Australian medical research institutes

AAMRI showcases Australia’s Medical Research Discoveries

The Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI) has today launched a new website, Medical Research Discoveries, to bring together the best stories and discoveries from medical research institutes to one centralised place.

“Being part of AMMRI gives us all a collective voice to the Government”  said Sandra Bellekom, CEO Ear Science Institute Australia.  “As a group and through this website, it helps us communicate the value of medical research institutes to the general public.  They can see and read about all the exceptional science being conducted right here in Australia”  she said

“We designed this showcase to demonstrate to Australians what our sector does – and how much amazing work comes out of our institutes,” said Professor Kathryn North AC, AAMRI President.

“It makes me feel immense pride to see all the discoveries arising across Australia – a new affordable dialysis system that will help millions, a novel trial for diabetes, to the entire NatureBank in Queensland for biodiscovery on Australian flora and fauna,” said Professor North. “At our Institutes, we are talking about these things every day, and now we have the opportunity for people to get the full picture of what medical research institutes really do.”

When AAMRI decided to bring together new discoveries from across our medical research institutes, the response to the call was overwhelming. The website has started with 20 discoveries today, with another 50 going up over the next few weeks, building continuously.

The site also profiles all 58 Institutes contributing to the site and lists 25 research areas all linked back to each discovery and institute.

“When asked about medical discoveries from Australia, the cervical cancer vaccine and the cochlear ear often spring to mind.  Amazing, life-changing science. With this showcase, we hope to expand the conversation, and lift the lid on medical research institutes so people can really see the impact of our research,” said Professor North.

AAMRI is the peak body representing medical research institutes across Australia. Our 58 member organisations are international leaders in health and medical research, addressing practically every aspect of human health and disease. Collectively, AAMRI’s members represent more than 19,000 staff and students.

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