
Ear Science trains second year medical students

Students in their second year of medical studies at the University of Notre Dame took part in ‘A Lump in the Throat’ training in September.

Community and Project Officer Emma Ireland ran the course with Ear Science Medical Advisor and ENT Specialist Dr Jafri Kuthubutheen for 101 eager students at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research.

The successful training day was filled with informative workshops and lectures on voice, altered airways and dysphagia (trouble swallowing).

“It is so important for Ear Science to run these training days for many reasons,” said Emma.

“At the core of it, we are imparting vital knowledge and the wealth of experience of our facilitators on to so many bright young future doctors. Some of these students might even go on to pursue a career in ENT speciality.”

“The first years are introduced to the ‘ear’ focussed sessions, and the second years have the ‘throat’ session to follow. So this series of workshops flows on nicely from the training day we ran for the students in their first year.”

“The students particularly enjoy the practical, interactive nature of the sessions and always appreciate the enthusiasm, expertise and clear passion of the facilitators.”

When asked what they thought of the day, here’s what the students had to say:

“The day was really well presented and pitched at the right level. It was interesting and interactive.”

“So great to learn in a different manner, with interactive presentations and clinically relevant applications.”

Many thanks to our presenters Dr Jafri Kuthubutheen, Dr Katherine Pollaers, Dr Allison Reid, Kate Baumwol, Emma Stephens and Sarah Power for running such a successful event.

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