
Lions Hearing Clinics named the top Lyric provider in WA

Lions Hearing Clinics have just been named the number one Lyric provider in WA, and have now entered the top three in Australia. It’s clear that our patients are singing Lyric’s praises.

The no-fuss, invisible hearing aid.

Lyric is a discrete invisible hearing aid. While you wouldn’t be able to spot them on the street, thousands of people around the world are wearing them.

Lyric sits comfortably in the ear canal where it provides clear, natural sound, for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can wear it in the shower, in your sleep, and almost anywhere in between.

No batteries.

No daily maintenance.

No worries.

It’s because of these benefits that Lyric is so in demand by Lions Hearing Clinic patients.

Is Lyric right for you?

Find out if Lyric is right for you. Book an appointment at Lions Hearing Clinics today.

Lyric obligation-free trial

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