
Medical students discover ‘A Lump in the Throat’

As part of our commitment to ongoing education and excellence, we work closely with our local universities to provide ear, nose and throat education to every medical student across WA.

Recently, Ear Science hosted more than 100 second-year medical students from the University of Notre Dame for a series of workshops on how to identify and treat common ear, nose and throat (ENT) conditions.

The training day, run by the Ear Science Education department, was held at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research and was overseen by Ear Science medical consultant and ENT surgeon Dr Jafri Kuthubutheen.

Entitled ‘A Lump in the Throat’, the students experienced a very hands-on and interactive training day with simulated learning equipment and models to give real-world insight into the world of ENT conditions.

The in-depth workshops included a recap of ‘Head and Neck Anatomy’, ‘How to Examine a Neck Lump’, ‘Altered Airways’ (performing tracheotomies), ‘Voice Conditions’ (identifying and treating a variety of voice conditions), and ‘Dysphagia’ (identifying when a patient has trouble swallowing).

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