
Could you be a candidate for a Cochlear Implant?

Does hearing loss leave you, or someone you love, feeling isolated and alone? The Ear Science Implant Clinic team is here to change that.

Currently less than 10% of those that need a cochlear implant, actually get one. Here at the Lions Hearing Clinics and Ear Science Implant Clinic, we are determined to change that. There are some questions you can ask, to determine whether a cochlear implant may be right for you or someone to care about.

To find out if you or someone you care about maybe a cochlear implant candidate, or simply just to have a hearing test, call us on 1300 847 395 to book your appointment today.

Cochlear Implants
Unlike hearing aids, cochlear implants don’t amplify sounds but instead mimic and replace the hearing function of the inner ear through electronic stimulation. The system has two parts – an external sound processor and the actual cochlear implant. Incoming sounds are processed into electrical signals and then transmitted directly to the hearing nerve, bypassing the damaged parts of the inner ear.

Our Program
Ear Science Institute Australia is a world-renowned research institute and official World Health Organization Collaborating Centre. We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to helping the West Australian community with ear and hearing disorders through research, education, prevention and treatment. Established by Professor Marcus Atlas, Surgeon Scientist and Founding Director of Ear Science Institute Australia, our implant program has become the largest hearing implant program in Western Australia, changing the lives of more than 100 West Australians each year.

Ear Science Institute Australia, through Lions Hearing Clinic, has 20 years of experience in providing an evidence-based full audiological service to the West Australian community. We currently have 40 commission-free Audiologists and Audiometrists providing the following services in 16 locations across Perth and the South West.

1.      Comprehensive hearing assessments
2.      Hearing aids from a range of manufacturers
3.      Tinnitus rehabilitation
4.      Diagnostic vestibular assessment and management
5.      Cochlear implants and other hearing implants
6.      Paediatric hearing and auditory processing assessments

The quality clinical outcomes are achieved by combining research and the latest technology with a multidisciplinary team of Perth’s leading ear surgeons and experienced implant Audiologists working alongside neurologists, radiologists, psychologists, speech pathologists and physiotherapists. To ensure that every client and their family are supported through their implant journey we have a dedicated Implant Coordinator to guide and support each person through their individualised hearing implant journey, where clients can choose their surgeon, choose their implant and choose their timing, there is no waiting around.

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