
Give the gift of hearing this Christmas | All Ears Cambodia

As part of our Give the Gift of Hearing campaign we’ve partnered with All Ears Cambodia to provide refurbished hearing aids to children in need through the Lions Hearing Aid Bank.

We want to ensure that we send our refurbished hearing aids to locations that are equipped to fit the devices correctly, with clinicians that continue to follow up with the clients for replacement batteries, moulds, cleaning and servicing.

Glyn and the team at All Ears Cambodia work a lot with other NGOs to help children without any access to health care, and provide them with completely free services and devices. It’s just incredible.

For so many of these children, receiving hearing aids is the only way they can begin to integrate into their communities. They simply don’t have the technology or the resources to support sign language or other means of communication.

As part of our work with World Health Organization, we’re actively seeking collaborations in the Western Pacific region, where we can support existing audiological services and equip locals with the tools and knowledge they need to improve hearing health care.

The Lions Hearing Aid Bank is just one way we can do that. By donating your unused hearing aids to the Lions Hearing Aid Bank at one of our clinic locations, you can ensure that we can continue to support our local community, as well as allow programs like Glyn’s at All Ears Cambodia to continue to make a difference to the lives of people in need.

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