
Spread the word | Hearing loss, ageing and dementia

It’s vital to check our hearing regularly – especially as we get older. Lions Hearing Clinics’ Jordan Bishop spoke at ten community events, from Bunbury to Gingin, to spread the word.
Hearing loss, ageing and dementia

Jordan speaks at aged care events regularly. As we get older, our hearing naturally starts to decline, and other risks can become apparent. New research shows there is potentially an association between untreated hearing loss and dementia*. To assist in identifying hearing loss we have a free online screening and those who are flagged as having hearing loss are contacted (with permission) to visit a Lions Hearing Clinics for further assessment.

Ten events, eight communities

As Jordan visits different communities, her aim isn’t just to spread the word about hearing loss – she also works with community leaders to support the people who live there. For the Men’s Shed in Gingin, that meant helping their members hear during social events through trialling a new sound system and introducing new communication strategies. Men’s Shed events are a major part of some member’s social lives, and missing out on conversations due to hearing loss can cause them to become lonely and to feel isolated.

A direct link to health professionals

While community visits are necessary for sharing new research and technology, training local health professionals has a long-lasting impact on the community. Between events, Jordan worked with GPs, medical students, pharmacists and occupational therapists to help them identify hearing loss, manage chronic ear conditions, perform accurate hearing screenings and communicate clearly.

*Source: Livingston G et al. Dementia prevention, intervention, and care. Lancet 2017; 390: 2673–734. ‘Listen Hear! The economic impact and cost of hearing loss in Australia’, Access Economics, Australia, February 2006.
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