
Ear Science represented in Europe

Head of Research Management Adjunct Professor Rob Eikelboom gave a number of presentations to colleagues and collaborators in Europe recently.

Kicking off with the 7th International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research in Denmark, Prof Eikelboom said that it was “a wonderful experience, covering topics such as sound scene analysis, artificial intelligence, big data and precision medicine.”

“All of these topics were focused on improving technologies in hearing aids and cochlear implants.”

“As part of this visit, I had the opportunity to meet with many ongoing collaborators of Ear Science’s, as well as former visiting scholars Ariane Laplante-Levesque and Inge Stegeman, and former ENT fellows Yvette Smulders and Thade Goderie.”

“I presented to industry colleagues at the Oticon headquarters and Eriksholm Research Centre in Denmark, Utrecht Medical Centre and the VU Medical Center, Amsterdam. Attendees across a range of fields were impressed with the translational structure and results we’ve found at Ear Science.”

“This visit was valuable in many ways. There were many opportunities to share the leading research happening at Ear Science with international contacts, and it’s always beneficial to meet face-to-face with our ongoing collaborators to strengthen those working relationships.”

“Key learnings were also shared from others in our networks, such as on tinnitus and implants, on speech testing, and on ecological assessment.”

As well as sharing research and ideas with existing collaborators, Prof Eikelboom said this visit was beneficial to establish new working relationships. “I was part of a massive brainstorming session to generate new project ideas, and I look forward to embarking on new collaborations in the coming months.”

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