
Ear Science trains Curtin’s first wave of medical students

Curtin University’s first-ever medical students are well into their studies, preparing to move their learning from the classroom to the clinic.

Ear and hearing care is a vital part of this education – so for one intensive day this month, Ear Science Institute Australia surgeons, audiologists, ENTS, researchers and clinical staff will walk them through the complicated science.

Working with medical students helps the next generation of doctors to better understand, diagnose and treat patients with hearing loss.

Community and Education Project Manager Emma Ireland says the education days are incredibly important for future doctors.

“No matter what speciality they go into, whether its general practice, ENT, or anything in between, communication with patients is really important.

“One of the biggest challenges for particularly elderly patients can be communication.

Such a large proportion of our population experiences hearing loss, so it’s important for doctors to have a good understanding of hearing loss, to know what to look for, what communication techniques to use, and what support can be available.

“From a patients’ point of view, it means their doctor can understand and have some recognition of the challenges they are experiencing,” Emma says.

Students use simulation models, learn from experienced scientists and professionals, and hear firsthand from a patient how hearing loss has affected their lives.

Students will be training on-site at our office in Subiaco, where we have a specialised laboratory and two busy clinics that work with assistive listening devices, hearing aids and cochlear implants.

Learn more about Ear Science Education programs for students, GPs, aged care facilities, nurses and more.

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