
Research featured in Audiology Now

Two of our research fellows, Dr Elaine Wong and Dr Abbie Francis, published an article in a recent edition of Audiology Now, the magazine of Audiology Australia.

“In this article, we provided a review of the significance, symptoms, genetic causes, and current/future therapies for Usher syndrome,” said Dr Francis.

Usher syndrome is a genetic condition that causes not only hearing loss but also vision impairment and balance difficulties. Currently, there is no cure for this condition.

“Our article presented a great opportunity for us to share with audiologists and the general public the impact of this incurable and debilitating disease.”

“Building awareness of Usher syndrome and the impact it has on people’s lives is critical in raising the profile of this condition.”

“We also highlighted the current laboratory research we are doing into Usher syndrome at Ear Science, and how we are looking to address this clinical need.”

“With this article, we can educate a wider audience on the importance of our research and just how revolutionary a treatment would be for not only patients with Usher Syndrome but other forms of hearing loss too.”

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