
Innovation tackled by the leaders of tomorrow

Ear Science researcher and PhD candidate Azadeh Ebrahimi-Madiseh was awarded a place in the ‘Common Purpose, Global Leadership Experience’ conducted through The University of Western Australia. More than 350 applications were received by UWA, and Azadeh was one of 90 candidates chosen.

“The course is in line with the 2030 vision of UWA to train leaders who cross boundaries and create and lead change to improve global prosperity,” explained Azadeh.

“The program was run over two weeks, where we were challenged with a question: ‘How do we ensure technological innovation delivers societal as well as economic value in cities?’”

“We received presentations, as well as chances to visit and interact with companies operating globally (in various sizes) in a variety of disciplines and with a range of purposes. This gave us insight into these organisations, as well as an opportunity to be mentored along the way.”

“This step included government departments such as the Dept. of Transport and Dept. of Fire Safety, as well as local businesses and start-ups such as Microsoft, Westpac, Innovative Foundations, Cinglevue and Luminous Solutions.”

“Other learning aspects of the program were focused on cultural intelligence (CQ), leading with inclusiveness, empathy and agility as well as leading under pressure and in hard times. It was very hands-on, and we practised and developed these in diverse groups with intergenerational, interracial, interdisciplinary, intersexual differences and diversities.”

“We had to define an urban problem, come up with a solution, prototype, test and present in oral, written and poster forms in only 2.5 hours. These activities simulated a real-life teamwork environment, where capabilities and weaknesses had to be recognised quickly and be executed for the benefit of the team.”

“Our team won many challenges, and it was a very enjoyable experience.”

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