
Ear Science Researcher Ting represents postgrad students at UWA

Research student Huan Ting Ong has recently been elected to a position with the UWA Postgraduate Student Association.

As a Research Representative for the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Ting will be an important voice for postgraduate students, bringing their thoughts, concerns and interests to faculty meetings.

Ting comes on board with ideas for improving student resources, including hosting more professional development opportunities and Higher Degree Research (HDR) Forums for students who’ve submitted a thesis and are undertaking new research.

Professional development opportunities are incredibly important for postgraduate students to develop their employability skills and develop a stronger career plan. Ting plans to bring in senior researchers and postdoctoral students for the UWA postgrads to learn from.

Ting first joined Ear Science for her Honours year to learn basic cellular research. Today, she uses stem cells in a sophisticated tissue engineering approach to improve wound healing.

Learn more about Ear Science’s international research team and its work with talented students.

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